Benefit Agreements
NexGen is working in partnership with all local communities, with the
mutual objective to responsibly develop the Rook I Project.
The Rook I Project (Project) is located within the Clearwater Dene Nation (CRDN), Birch Narrows Dene Nation (BNDN),
Buffalo River Dene Nation (BRDN) traditional territories and the Métis Homeland. NexGen has signed Benefit Agreements
with all four Local Priority Area (LPA) Communities - the CRDN, the Métis Nation - Saskatchewan Northern Region 2 (MN-S NR2)
and the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan (MN-S), BNDN, and BRDN, covering all phases of the Project.
The Benefit Agreements define the environmental, cultural, economic, employment, and other benefits to be provided to the
communities in respect of the Project, and confirm their consent and support for the Project throughout its entire lifespan,
including reclamation.
These Agreements reflect the dedication and commitment of NexGen and all four LPA communities to collaboratively design and
implement a new industry-leading approach to genuine consultation and engagement.
"Since as early as 2013, the Rook I Project has been a platform for both NexGen and CRDN to set a new and elite standard on
Indigenous engagement, participation, and partnerships, for projects in the traditional territory of Indigenous peoples.
The signing of this IBA formalizes these new standards, and provides the CRDN and all its members the opportunities for lifelong,
sustainable jobs and business opportunities right in our own backyard.. NexGen has always demonstrated it truly wants success
for CRDN and its members and we look forward to advancing the Rook I Project with NexGen, throughout all phases of its lifecycle."
Chief Teddy Clark of Clearwater River Dene Nation
"This agreement not only recognizes the Métis as a rights-holding people with strong ancestral connections to the land, but also provides
a mechanism for continuous engagement on a breadth of important topics, including environmental and social concerns, human resources,
and support for Métis businesses. After a century of our lands being developed without consideration of our people, it was important to
come together as one Region and one Nation to change the status quo and become a partner in the development of the Rook I Project.
NexGen’s commitments in the IBA will set a new standard for how industry recognizes Métis rights and engages with the Métis Nation."
Leonard Montgrand, Regional Director of MN-S Northern Region II
“On meeting the regulatory requirements, our community
stands to benefit with environmental monitoring, jobs,
business opportunities, and payments to support community
priorities. NexGen has been working with us in a respectful
Chief Jonathan Sylvester of Birch Narrows Dene Nation
“The jobs and business opportunities that our members will
be able to obtain with the Project incorporating elite
environmental and cultural practices is very exciting.”
Former Chief
Elmer Campbell of Buffalo River Dene
Nation (from 2018-2021)